An experimental study of turbulent combustion of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and natural gas was performed to provide reference\ndata for verification of CFD codes and direct comparison. Hydrogen sulfide is present in most crude oil sources, and the explosion\nbehaviour of pureH2S and mixtures with natural gas is important to address. The explosion behaviour was studied in a four-meterlong\nsquare pipe.The first two meters of the pipe had obstacles while the rest was smooth. Pressure trans ducerswere used to measure\nthe combustion in the pipe.The pure H2S gave slightly lower explosion pressure than pure natural gas for lean-to-stoichiometric\nmixtures. The richH2S gave higher pressure than natural gas.Mixtures ofH2S and natural gas were also studied and pressure spikes\nwere observed when 5% and 10% H2S were added to natural gas and also when 5% and 10% natural gas were added to H2S. The\naddition of 5% H2S to natural gas resulted in higher pressure than pure H2S and pure natural gas. The 5% mixture gave much faster\ncombustion than pure natural gas under fuel rich conditions.